The Cockatoo.
The first animal that I met was a cockatoo. A cockatoo is a type of Australian parrot. It has a yellow crest on the head. The cockatoo offered me a ride, a flight over the Australian land. In this way, I would see Australia, and he promised me to explain what we saw. It was a good proposal and I agreed.
The cockatoo turns out to be very tiring. He spoke of himself all the time. He did not give me the information that he promised. The places we passed he didn't know. Fortunately I knew them beforehand. He did not know the golden spider and where she lives. I decided to say goodbye to the cockatoo and I rented a car to continue my journey.
The roads south of Australia is very good. I decided to follow the edge of the sea. I had the coast on the right side with beautiful vertical cliffs.
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